Well,the first day of school has come and gone. I love the first day of school,new clothes,new school supplies,new shoes, and last but not least the peaceful QUIET.
I always have tears in my eyes,because it is always a milestone for each child. My oldest will only have one more first day of school,he will be a senior next year....YIKES. Then my middle child started his first day of junior high,I know how fast time will travel with this milestone. In a blink of the eye he will be graduating & moving on to the next phase of life. My middle little one started 3rd grade,she was nervous about this until she found out there was a friend of hers there too. Then my baby. She will start a 1 day a week preschool program later this fall.More tears in my eyes!
Time travels so fast as an adult. I don't like it. I guess you just have to stop and enjoy those moments that seem to fly by. I have to stop this crazy ride and look around to those important times,or they will be gone. Enjoy the moment,live for the day.Life has so much to offer,but you have to make the effort to not let it pass you by.
We are getting ready to go on a little overnight camping trip. All 6 of us. Camping is not my favorite thing to do,but hopefully I can take my own advice and enjoy the moment.Even if it means getting ate alive by bugs!
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