Thursday, August 14, 2008

Poor Prognosis

I wanted to continue with our story that I had originally posted on the carepages. The following was written by me,but my son typed it into the computer. I had to deliver our baby c-section & was not able to do much for a couple of days. I was able to go to the NICU so I could be with her. She was 11 #10 oz. She had so much fluid in her head that it measured 54.4 cm(average adult size) The doctors were deciding if she was "stable enough" for surgery. I say they were waiting for her to die. We were very adamant on giving her a fighting chance,so surgery was done. She had her myelomeningocele repaired(the whole in her back & spine) and there was also a vp shunt placed into her brain to drain the fluid. The following was the day before this surgery.

Posted Jun 13, 2007 4:00pm
mom and dad just got out of a meeting with a team of Claire's doctors.(mom wrote this for me to post) They do not paint a very pretty picture....Surgery is tomorrow, she will be going in at 7:00 am, it will take 5-6 hours. They all agree her prognosis after surgery will be poor...We are trying to stay positive, but it is hard when 7 doctors are telling you different. Now is the time we will need prayer the most... they think she will not be able to come off the ventilator after surgery, then we will have to make some more very hard decisions. I want her to prove them wrong. She looks so good now and seems to be doing all a healthy baby does, so it is hard to think that she will be worse after surgery. We definitely need a miracle, but we are thankful for how far she has come, thankful she is here with us now. We are taking every moment to enjoy her beauty, and focus on how blessed we are to be able to hold her today. We will take each day as it comes and God will hold are hands as we celebrate Claire for as long as He lets us.LOVE & GOD BLESS Tina

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